Singapore Dollar(SGD) To Canadian Dollar(CAD)
This is the page of Singapore Dollar (SGD) to Canadian Dollar (CAD) conversion, below you can find the latest exchange rate between them and is updated every 1 minutes. It shows the exchange rate of the two currencies conversion. It also shows the history chart of this currency pairs, by choosing the time period you can get more detailed information. Would you like to invert the currencies pairs? Please visit Canadian Dollar(CAD) To Singapore Dollar(SGD).
9020 SGD
9668.18077 CAD
9020 Canadian Dollar To Singapore Dollar
Exchange Rates Updated: Mar 01,2025 08:57 UTC
Full history please visit SGD/CAD History
Convert Singapore Dollar(SGD) To Canadian Dollar(CAD)
1 SGD = | 1.07186 CAD | 0.93296 SGD = | 1 CAD |
2 SGD = | 2.14372 CAD | 1.86591 SGD = | 2 CAD |
5 SGD = | 5.3593 CAD | 4.66479 SGD = | 5 CAD |
10 SGD = | 10.7186 CAD | 9.32957 SGD = | 10 CAD |
15 SGD = | 16.07791 CAD | 13.99436 SGD = | 15 CAD |
20 SGD = | 21.43721 CAD | 18.65915 SGD = | 20 CAD |
25 SGD = | 26.79651 CAD | 23.32393 SGD = | 25 CAD |
50 SGD = | 53.59302 CAD | 46.64787 SGD = | 50 CAD |
Singapore Dollar(SGD) To Canadian Dollar(CAD) History Graph
History Exchange Rate
Date | Singapore Dollar | Canadian Dollar |
Friday 28/02/2025 | 9020 SGD = | 9657.10528 CAD |
Thursday 27/02/2025 | 9020 SGD = | 9660.6804 CAD |
Wednesday 26/02/2025 | 9020 SGD = | 9667.16556 CAD |
Tuesday 25/02/2025 | 9020 SGD = | 9660.9542 CAD |
Monday 24/02/2025 | 9020 SGD = | 9633.95137 CAD |
Sunday 23/02/2025 | 9020 SGD = | 9598.49994 CAD |
Saturday 22/02/2025 | 9020 SGD = | 9616.10315 CAD |
Friday 21/02/2025 | 9020 SGD = | 9619.27117 CAD |
Thursday 20/02/2025 | 9020 SGD = | 9514.8233 CAD |
Wednesday 19/02/2025 | 9020 SGD = | 9573.69512 CAD |
Full history please visit SGD/CAD Exchange Rates History
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