Singapore Dollar(SGD) To Pakistani Rupee(PKR)
This is the page of Singapore Dollar (SGD) to Pakistani Rupee (PKR) conversion, below you can find the latest exchange rate between them and is updated every 1 minutes. It shows the exchange rate of the two currencies conversion. It also shows the history chart of this currency pairs, by choosing the time period you can get more detailed information. Would you like to invert the currencies pairs? Please visit Pakistani Rupee(PKR) To Singapore Dollar(SGD).
450000 SGD
93487599.18063 PKR
450000 Pakistani Rupee To Singapore Dollar
Exchange Rates Updated: Mar 01,2025 03:42 UTC
Full history please visit SGD/PKR History
Convert Singapore Dollar(SGD) To Pakistani Rupee(PKR)
1 SGD = | 207.75022 PKR | 0.00481 SGD = | 1 PKR |
2 SGD = | 415.50044 PKR | 0.00963 SGD = | 2 PKR |
5 SGD = | 1038.7511 PKR | 0.02407 SGD = | 5 PKR |
10 SGD = | 2077.5022 PKR | 0.04813 SGD = | 10 PKR |
15 SGD = | 3116.25331 PKR | 0.0722 SGD = | 15 PKR |
20 SGD = | 4155.00441 PKR | 0.09627 SGD = | 20 PKR |
25 SGD = | 5193.75551 PKR | 0.12034 SGD = | 25 PKR |
50 SGD = | 10387.51102 PKR | 0.24067 SGD = | 50 PKR |
Singapore Dollar(SGD) To Pakistani Rupee(PKR) History Graph
History Exchange Rate
Date | Singapore Dollar | Pakistani Rupee |
Friday 28/02/2025 | 450000 SGD = | 93160076.60008 PKR |
Thursday 27/02/2025 | 450000 SGD = | 93299071.29216 PKR |
Wednesday 26/02/2025 | 450000 SGD = | 94044866.83574 PKR |
Tuesday 25/02/2025 | 450000 SGD = | 94229847.85059 PKR |
Monday 24/02/2025 | 450000 SGD = | 94108710.64391 PKR |
Sunday 23/02/2025 | 450000 SGD = | 94203832.50413 PKR |
Saturday 22/02/2025 | 450000 SGD = | 94225773.11983 PKR |
Friday 21/02/2025 | 450000 SGD = | 94240074.18211 PKR |
Thursday 20/02/2025 | 450000 SGD = | 93527085.3783 PKR |
Wednesday 19/02/2025 | 450000 SGD = | 93591129.73191 PKR |
Full history please visit SGD/PKR Exchange Rates History
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